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Review your link building and development strategy...

Review your link building and development strategy

Article Written by : Deka Design Link building is a tough and time-consuming process that does not show results for weeks or months. That is why a link building campaign is a long-term affair that you should plan out. Just as with any campaign, it is important to have a strategy in place and review it at the end of each cycle. The ideal time to conduct a review and plan out a strategy for the year ahead is at the end of the year when companies shut down for the holidays. The first step is to conduct an SEO audit of the site. The audit might explain why additional...


Outdated SEO best practices that still work...

Outdated SEO best practices that still work

There is a lot of information out there on SEO practices to follow. One of the most specific are from Google itself. However, there are situations where you should ignore Googles directives and continue with those best practices. Here are a few those: Image Alt Text Google is increasingly using machine learning to identify the content of images when crawling pages. The recognition is still not as good as it could be but represents a big shift from the days when images without alt text was impossible to crawl. However, regardless of this advance in image scanning, there are still many images that machine learning cannot identify or will...

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Attract visitors to your website with inbound marketing...

Attract visitors to your website with inbound marketing

Article Written by : Web Marketing Tutorials Inbound marketing is now the proven marketing method for the internet and smartphone age. The old model involved buying ads, looking for leads, buying bursts from email lists etc. The new model involves creating content that brings to customer to your company and product.  Here is how to attract visitors to your website using inbound marketing: The first step is content creation. The easiest way for any organization to get started is to start a blog. The content needs to be high quality. Using careful analysis, identify the needs and questions of prospective customers. The content should answer those questions comprehensively. Prospective...

Facebook Live Videos

The Facebook news feed consists of photos, videos, links and status updates. Starting now you will start to see live videos appear in your feed. Live videos were first introduced to iOS users in December 2015 and is now live for Android users in the US. Live videos is a similar service to Periscope and Meerkat. Users can broadcast videos direct from their phone. According to the press release, Facebook is using the same lessons learnt from ranking video in the newsfeed to Live videos: “a few years ago when more people began sharing and watching video on Facebook we listened to feedback to learn what signals helped us show people more of the videos they want to...

posted on: Feb 8, 2016 | author: admin

Google’s Next Penguin Update Within Weeks...

Gary Illyes, the webmaster trend analyst from Google posted on twitter that the next update to the link spam algorithm known as Penguin will roll out within weeks. At the latest it will launch by the end of this quarter. Here is the tweet: “@mrjamiedodd I’ll go with weeks. We’re aiming for launching penguin this quarter, but we don’t have a more precise timeframe. — Gary Illyes (@methode) January 19, 2016” Google, is generally reluctant to give any launch time frames for its link spam updates. It has however been more than a year since the Penguin 3.0 update. The Penguin 3.0 was really just a refresh and only affected 1% of US English search queries. A refresh...

posted on: Jan 7, 2016 | author: admin

Increase Your Website Traffic through Email Marketing...

Marketers can increase Internet traffic through email marketing. A quick and easy way to promote your company, using email as a marketing platform has paid off for some of the most prestigious businesses and can help you out as well. Many businesses have sworn that their primary revenue source has come from email operations. And, not only will there be increases in driven traffic, but they can also encourage the viewer to take action on your site to purchase your product or service. Craft the Perfect Email Whilst working on a draft of your email, ensure that your full name is associated with it. A full name is less likely to be marked as spam and will pique...

Increase Your Website Traffic through Email Marketing
posted on: Dec 23, 2015 | author: admin

How to cope with ad blockers

When Apple added an API for blocking ads on the iPhone and Mac, a whole host of blockers were released. This caused a large drop in ad impressions for a lot of websites. This drop in ad impressions resulted in the obvious drop in sales and revenue. A websites are ad-supported and will not survive without that revenue. For sites that do rely on ad revenue there are several ways to get around ad blockers: Paid content Some webmasters have opted to move their best content into subscriber only areas. Visitors will now have to get membership on that site in order to view premium content. Some content remains free, usually a single weekly article. All other content...

How to cope with ad blockers
posted on: Dec 8, 2015 | author: admin

3 Ways to Build a Social Media Content Calendar...

posted on: Nov 8, 2015 | author: admin

Keeping track of your social media content can be difficult. Still, there are tools that can help. If you want to create a social media calendar won’t require a platform. In other words, it doesn’t need to be complicated either. Here are 3 ways by which you can build one with the tools that you are already using: 1: Google Sheets & Calendar Calendars managed in Google Sheets is familiar to most people and easily accessible too. To set up your calendar, start with a blank template or pick from social media templates available. You can even add a tab for each social network too. As for Google Calendar, nothing beats using an actual one for this. With this one, you can use the calendar or list view too. In fact, you can create separate calendars for various social networks, clients or team members too. 2: Trello Trello is...

3 Simple Tips to Build Social Media Presence For Your Small Business

3 Simple Tips to Build Social Media Presence For Your Small Business...

posted on: Oct 6, 2015 | author: admin

Are you interested in building an online presence for your small business? Not sure how to get started? Without a doubt, there is merit to using social media to build visibility and connections for your business. Here are 3 simple tips that can help you get started: 1: Create Profile on Several Social Media Platforms It isn’t sufficient to only use Facebook and Twitter only. You have to open profiles on multiple accounts such Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Tumblr as well. While it might not seem necessary for you to open and maintain all these accounts, it is definitely necessary from an SEO point of view. Also, ensure that you fill up these accounts fully. 3: Allow for Blog Comments Using social media and commenting systems such as Disqus, Livefyre and Facebook Comments, people can interact with you and your blog posts quite easily. Facebook Comments offers the best...

3 Ways to Increase the Email ‘Open Rate’

posted on: Sep 7, 2015 | author: admin

According to a report by the Radical Group, almost 125 business emails sent on an average every day. Of course, this doesn’t include spam emails which easily double that number. Given so many emails received by consumers on a daily basis, we based most of our decisions to read, delete and even ignore based on what we read in the ‘From’ line. Based on this finding, here are 3 ways to increase the email ‘open rate’: 1: Pick an Identity that Best Suits You While a number of brands might send you emails that interest you, that personal connection matters so much more. In other words, if an employee of a brand sent you an email, it is more likely that you would open that email as opposed to one from an impersonal address of a brand. Of course, there is no right answer as to what identity you...

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