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4 Roles That Every Small Business Owner Must Fill as a Search Engine Optimizer...

Search engines are getting better at understanding human behavior and as a result, instead of tricking them into getting their attention, the focus should now be more on delivering excellent experiences. What this results in is that a business owner as a search engine optimizer should get acquainted with playing a number of roles: the webmaster, journalist, social media manager and conversion analyst. That said, let’s find out why this might be necessary for business owner to fill these positions as we explore each of these roles: #1: Webmaster Setting your website up for search engine optimization is vital to its success and which includes four aspects such as metadata such as title, description, image tags and heading,...

4 Roles That Every Small Business Owner Must Fill as a Search Engine Optimizer
posted on: May 13, 2015 | author: admin

The IAB Announced a Standard Every Advertiser Needs to Know About...

The dream of any advertiser is reaching a real human who is receptive to their particular messaging, because that is the most likely path to conversions. The trouble, especially on the Web, is verifying when a human is actually seeing an ad and when the view is actually an automated bot. Today, ad networks filter this traffic easily, but this was not always the case. In defense of ethical advertising practices, the Interactive Advertising Bureau has designed standards that are used to measure an impression as “viewable.” That certification means a lot to the future of advertising. Viewable Impressions Explained An impression certified as “viewable” means that a real human looked at a majority of the pixels in...

The IAB Announced a Standard Every Advertiser Needs to Know About
posted on: May 12, 2015 | author: admin