Google’s Change to Make Autocomplete Safer...
Google’s “Autocomplete” feature, first released in 2004, has been a revolution in search. It shortens the time it takes to make a query based on the first few letters that a user types. It’s a very handy feature that most users would say they can’t live without, even if there are some privacy concerns. Essentially, Google aggregates this data and uses popular search data to make an educated guess as to what you might be looking for. It can also take things a step further, using your query of “wea” to serve up today’s weather (since that’s what you’re probably looking for). Google’s more intelligent search also has a downside: it can be inadvertently offensive. In a recent...

Steps to succeed with low volume AdWords accounts...
When you have hundreds of thousands of conversions, it is very easy to plan out and make adjustments to improve sales. However, what happens when you have a small account with very few conversions? Optimization is much harder. There are so few conversions that even A/B testing, growth, and performance monitoring become harder. Here are five steps to dealing with low-conversion accounts: Define goals Since there are not enough conversions to measure the impact of changes, look for metrics that have enough volume that has a bearing on the conversion rate. For example, the bounce rate. Fixing a high bounce rate on one of the gateway pages is one method of improving one metric to improve another. These...