The Moralities of True Capitalism

Capitalism is a philosophical take on life that places emphasis on individual self-preservation. When someone goes to work, works hard and earns a paycheck he uses to buy food and pay rent, he is at heart a capitalist. Capitalism can seem cold, but the philosophy is guided by moralities. Capitalism doesn’t deal in emotion, but that can be one of its greatest strengths.
Humans are guided by reason, which is built on observation. We can work together in groups to produce amazing things, but we can only think as individuals. Even group brainstorming sessions are still individuals offering their thoughts, and collectively coming up with an idea. Reason is a facility of the mind, which is man’s only connection to the world. Without the mind, man’s experiences of life cease to exist or to be of importance, thus reason is essential to self-preservation. Self-preservation is a fundamental principle in capitalism.
A capitalist understands the nature of human self-interest, and chooses to use those forces in the name of positive production. A good example might be someone who founds a city because they need a strategic point to resupply a railroad line. The need is motivated by something selfish, expanding the business, but the end result is productivity benefitting many people. True capitalists understand this complex relationship.
Capitalism, being so reliant on self-interest and preservation, makes the “self” central to all philosophies. Although a capitalist can start a company, hire employees and grow a business, these are means to the end of self-preservation.
It is not a question of ethics, merely the understanding that we all have the right to act of our own rational judgment.