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Google Maps now Offers “Local Guides” Services...

In Google Maps’ recent update, a new feature called “Local Guides” has been implemented. This feature is quite similar to Yelp’s “Yelp Elite” service. As per this program, the tech giant will be rewarding users or Guides for providing quality reviews. For instance, a user who contributes to more than 50 reviews judged to be of good quality will have access to exclusive features. For instance, an access to a private Google+ community and invitations to elite events in select regions. Users providing over 200 quality reviews will benefit by getting featured on “Local Guides” social network profiles on Twitter, Facebook and Google+. Guides will also be able to organize meetups and act a Google+ communities moderators. The...

posted on: Feb 19, 2015 | author: admin

Twitter Now Has “While You Were Away” Feature...

Twitter is definitely looking for ways to boost participation on the social network. With their new Bing Translation feature, they are trying to ensure that language is no longer a barrier to engaging with other users. The microblogging site has now launched the “While You Were Away” feature. Essentially, users will now be able to come back to Twitter after an absence and be able to catch most of the top tweets by checking out the “While You Were Away” heading. With this new recap feature, Twitter has taken another step to define itself from just another reverse chronological timeline. This recap feature has been first launched for iOS apps and is set to come soon on Android...

posted on: Jan 15, 2015 | author: admin

Some social media sites you might not yet be using...

The social media sites below might not benefit from much widespread use but you might consider some of them for your online marketing effort. Google+ Of course you know about Google+, but do you actually use it to its full potential for your online marketing? Google+ offers some very useful features for your business such as a product page that displays promotions and marketing features. There is also a view count that allows you to know the number of times your content has been viewed. Ello Ello is considered as the antithesis of everything that Facebook stands for with its “no ad” policy. The site refuses to nag users with marketing initiatives. This might sound uninteresting from a...

posted on: Oct 17, 2014 | author: admin

The impact of social media on your SEO...

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem...

The impact of social media on your SEO
posted on: Sep 16, 2014 | author: admin

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